Hours of Service Exemption Increases Safety

Safety. It is often a word claimed to be of great focus, but often the practice or implementation is not practical. Many people have been hurt in the name of safety and in our industry hundreds of people are hurt and even killed because of it each year. While rules and regulations may increase safety in one particular area, it can, in return, expose different areas of risk and danger to varying degrees. 

Updating Weight Charts for Dual Lane Transport

The state of Colorado was more restrictive than any of its’ neighboring states. They acted as the "rock in the stream" when traveling within the Houston, TX to the Alberta corridor. 

In Memory of Vera Perkins

Vera Perkins passed away earlier this year at the age of 95 and although she will be greatly missed by all who knew her, it is important to remember all the memories and traits she has instilled in those around her for endless years to come.

Perkins Moves Oversize Tank Through Central Wisconsin

It's always interesting seeing vendors and customers cover our loads because we are so close to these projects that we forget to take a step back to admire the extreme coordination between the crews. 

Pairing Possibilities and Design

Pairing Possibilities and Design

In order to develop a strategy which endorses informative and positive impacts on key stakeholders, there are a few guidelines in regards to transportation to allow for success.

First Line of Defense

It’s no secret that oversized loads are in the way; they are big, attract attention, are usually moving pretty slow, and the stakes are incredibly high. So, why wouldn’t you want certified professionals who are experts in understanding how to mitigate the numerous risks in front of and behind these loads at all times?

Mud, Miles, and Mother Nature!

Perkins travels from Beaver Dam, WI to Bonnyville, Alberta Canada with a 5 piece move of large vessel evaporators. Heaviest piece 330,000lbs moved by Perimeter frame trailers and hydraulic platform trailers, in snow and subzero temperatures.

Check out the video:

Platinum National Safety Award

Often we lose sight of our accomplishments and how we compare to our competitors, customers, and vendors. Our continuous improvement program enables us to learn from near misses and helps to prevent them in happening in the future. It takes everyone to STAY SAFE – thank you!